Friday, January 18, 2019

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is one of Europe's beautiful capitals. That's common knowledge, but what I took away from Prague, was a very interesting and important travel lesson.

I was there over a Friday the 13th weekend. Yes, it was as ominous as it sounds.
Unable to book a hotel or Airbnb, I found assistance at the train station tourism office.
The location was geared toward a younger crowd...very modern industrial meets vampire hotel. And, it turned out perfect.

Unfortunately, I got sick. The good news is that it was all manageable. I was able to find a nearby restaurant that served amazing soup. As the weather had turned cooler, I easily picked up a scarf in one of the shops along a main street. The bed at the hotel turned out to be an amazing cocoon of comfort on a rainy Sunday spent indoors recuperating.

A few notes on the City - lots of attractions (Prague Castle, Charles Bridge, Astronomical Clock) easily accessible on foot, you do need to watch your pockets (especially over a crowded weekend like mine), and if you miss the below dessert then don't tell me about it. Ever.

 Hotel Room Wall

Hanging with Death on Friday, the 13th

There should be one of these on every street corner.